Instructional Unit 1 - Task 3 The Importance of communication skills for engineers

 “Communication skills are an essential component in the education of engineering students to facilitate not just students’ education but also to prepare them for their future careers.” 

Marc Riemer, Faculty of Engineering, Monash University (2007)

Paraphrased Statement:

Based on Marc Riemer, communication skills play a crucial role of an engineering students' education since they help them not only with their studies but also with their future professions and job prospects when they enter the next phase of life. (Reimer,M,2007)

Reference: Reimer, M(2007). Communication skills for the 21st-century engineer. Global Journal of Engineering Education, 11(1), pp. 89-100


  1. Hi Marcus :)

    Hope You are having a Good Day. Overall paraphrasing is good. But can be edited like this sentence : ‘they help them not only with their studies……’ - it can assist them both in their studies, future professions and job prospect. As they are heading into the next stage of their life.


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